Mod DesnoGuns is the favorite weapon mod for Minecraft PE. Desnoguns mod appeared one of the first mods for MCPE and immediately fell in love with many fans of the game.
Weapon mod data is a classic mod for minecraft that can only be installed using BlockLauncher. If you want to install the mod automatically, you need to find weapon add-ons for minecraft.

What weapons will the DesnoGuns mod add to the game?
After installing the mod, you will get a truly large number of different guns.
The main weapons:
- AK-47
- Grenades
- Glock
- Molotov cocktail
A unique interface has been created for each weapon, which will help you interact with the cannon. For example, you can improve your weapon by adding a scope to it, increase its clip or change the skin. Also, using the interface you can reload your weapons. Recipes for crafting weapons in Desno Guns you can find in a special interface that appears after installing the mod.
At the moment, the mod adds about 40 types of weapons to the game. The mod includes more than 40 types of weapons. Everything from pistols to massive rocket launchers and hand-held throwing objects such as grenades and molotovs.

How to get a weapon and use it?
First of all, create a weapon. As a rule, for crafting weapons you will need redstone, iron ingots and gunpowder. To shoot a weapon, you need to create ammo.
Item IDs and crafting recipes
All crafting recipes will be written as follows:
Name (Item ID) – [crafting ingredients]
For example: the line Knife (3320) – 3 Iron ingots tells us that the Knife with ID: 3320 can be created from 3 iron ingots

- Desnoguns info (3365) – 1 Wood
- Knife (3320) – 3 Iron Ingots
- Parachute (3321) – 3 Wool + 3 Strings
- Health kit (3322) – 3 Mushrooms + 2 Apples
- Riot shiled (3323) – 2 Glass Panes + 1 Iron Ingot
- Binoculars (3324) – 2 Glass + 5 Iron Ingots
- Night Binoculars (3326) – 4 Glass + 4 Iron Ingots + 1 Slimeball
- ZOOM Binoculars (PRO) (3325) – 2 Glass + 4 Iron Ingots + 1 Redstone
- Assault rifle ammo (3340) – 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Machine gun Ammunition (3341) – 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Light Machine Ammo (3342) – 2 Iron Ingots + 2 Gunpowders
- Ammo for a sniper rifle (3343) – 2 Iron Ingots + 1 Gunpowders
- Shotgun ammo (3344) – 1 Iron Ingot + 2 Gunpowders
- Machine Pistol Ammo (3345) – 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Handgun Ammo (3346) – 1 Iron Ingot
- RPG cartridges (3347) – 5 Gun Powders
- Cartridges for a minigun (3348) – 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Gun Powders + 1 Redstone
- Explosive boom (3349) – 2 Gunpowders + 1 Arrow
- AA-12 (509) – 1 Shotgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- .44 Magnum (3346) – 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- AK47 (460) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- AK74 (461) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- AT4 (462) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- AUG (463) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Barret Explosive (464) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Barret (465) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Bizon (466) – 1 Sub Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Desert Eagle (467) – 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Desert Eagle Gold (468) 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Dragunov (469) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- FNSCAR (470) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Crossbow (3368) – 1 Arrow + 2 Iron Ingots + 1 Redstone + 3 Strings
- Crossbow Explosive (3367) – 1 Explosive Arrow + 2 Iron Ingots + 1 Redstone + 3 Strings
- G3 (471) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- G36 (472) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- GL1 (473) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- GL6 (474) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Glock (475) – 1 Machine Pistol Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Incendiary Grenade Launcher (510) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- L86 (476) – 1 Light Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- L96 (477) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M9 (478) – 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M14 (479) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M16A4 (480) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M21 (481) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M40A3 Ice (482) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M40A3 (483) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M40A3 (x) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M60E4 (484) – 1 Light Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M72LAW (485) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M249 (486) – 1 Light Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M1014 (487) – 1 Shotgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M1887 (488) – 1 Shotgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Makarov (489) – 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Minigun (490) – 1 Minigun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Mini-Uzi (491) – 1 Machine Pistol Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- MP5 (492) – 1 Sub Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- MTAR (493) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- MSR (3369) – 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones + 1 Super Rifle Ammo
- Multiple Rocket Launcher (3375) – 4 Iron Ingots 2 Redstones + 1 Launcher Ammo
- P90 (494) – 1 Sub Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- R700 (495) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Ray Gun (3376)
- Remington 870 (496) + 1 Shotgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- RPD (497) – 1 Light Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- RPG (498) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- RPK (499) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- SG550 (500) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- SIGP226 (501) – 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Skorpion (502) – 1 Machine Pistol Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- SPAS-12 (503) – 1 Shotgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- USP (504) – 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- W1200 (505) – 1 Shotgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Winter Minigun (506) – 1 Minigun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Winter Sniper (507) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Grenade (3300) – 4 Iron Ingots + 1 Gunpowder
- Fragment Grenade (3301) – 4 Grenades
- Molotov (3302) – 8 Glass + 1 Gunpowder
- Smoke Grenade (3303) + 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Sugar + 1 Sand
- Juggernaut Helmet (3285) – 1 Iron Ingot + 4 Cactus Green
- Juggernaut Body (3286) – 4 Iron Ingots + 4 Cactus Green
- Juggernaut Pants (3287) – 4 Iron Ingots + 3 Cactus Green
- Juggernaut Boots (3288) – 2 Iron Ingots + 2 Cactus Green
- Jungle Camo Helmet (3289) – 4 Cactus Green + 1 Leather
- Jungle Camo Body (3290) – 4 Leather + 4 Cactus Green
- Jungle Camo Pants (3291) – 3 Cactus Green + 4 Leather
- Jungle Camo Boots (3292) – 2 Cactus Green + 2 Leather
1. DesnoGuns Mod r025 Desno365