ABOBA is an amazing Minecraft server. It does not require a license, and there is also no paid access! Starting our journey on June 1st, we are still evolving, bringing something new and making the server better. Let’s dive deeper into our qualities:
The ABOBA server refers to a vanilla server. This means that the server has very few plugins, and the focus is on maximizing the vanilla gameplay. Virtually no aspects of Minecraft are altered, there are no classic plugins like /tpa /spawn. In other words, you enter as if in Single Player, but with other people. We aim for this vanilla experience and do everything possible to maintain it.
If briefly describe this section, it will be something like this: “Players are different, but the server is one.” Various players come to us, but predominantly from the Russian community. Players vary in adequacy, some are griefers, some are cheaters. However, the latter types do not last long… We gather many people in one server, where the majority are reasonable and mostly mature individuals. So, when you join the server, you will not be showered with insults, profanity, and other things that happen on other servers. By joining our community, you have made it stronger, and therefore have helped to develop the server. Thank you.
Our administration is a well-trained group of people who will help in any difficult situation if approached correctly. Most often, players encounter problems on the server when they are being griefed, when they fall into the abyss due to server issues, etc. Our team knows how to handle all of this and won’t let any player slip through the cracks! It is important to remember that the administration adheres to the rules, and any violation on your part will be punished. But when you play by the rules, you make life easier for both yourself and the administrators…
On our server, there is a pass. It costs 40 rubles. The pass is issued forever and is a guarantee of your adequacy. Thus, we immediately filter out griefers, cheaters, and other people who try to harm the server and its players. With all your passes, we develop the server, make it better, advertise it, and eat a little))