Server Description
Welcome to us ☕
We can offer you a high-quality Vanilla game-based Project. We work on versions Minecraft 1.16.4 – 1.17.1 ☕Edition.
Before playing on the Project, we recommend checking out everything on our VK group and on our DISCORD channel 😉
Quality Equipment Selection
We are truly located on reliable equipment thanks to which you will be able to feel a high-quality and most importantly interesting gaming experience without lags and micro-delays on our Project.
Quality of servers
We have completely eliminated the possibility of using third-party suspicious / “Leaked” plugins. You can be sure of our reliability. We use modern protection methods provided by our hosting provider, as well as our own. On our side – complete protection from external connections, proxy protection, protection against data falsification, and many other innovations that are better not disclosed to all Internet users 😉
Unable to translate.
Our main IP address for connection to our server network.
*The project was founded in 2019 (December 31, 2019, at 21:55 MSK).*
*Project is updated 24/7 | Constant support for plugins, core, and server machine*