║✔️ Survival servers:
OneBlock (one block)
⭐ Server OneBlock:
✔️A new variation of skyblock. Start surviving from a single block and build your island from that block.
✔️Survival server with a space theme! Build your rocket and travel between planets without air and gravity, buy yourself a personal orbital station.
⭐Server MAGIC:
Survival with magic wands, brooms, leveling up magical abilities.
⭐ Vanilla server:
Vanilla server. No plugins or commands.
⭐Standard Servers:
Server without creative modes and admin privileges. Survival only.
✔️Regions (privates), set the pvp deny flag in your region to protect yourself from your house being griefed, and to be able to set home points (/sethome). All this can be done with a single command /ZONE, which will create a region around you of 3 by 3 chunks, set a home point, and set the pvp deny flag in your region.
⭐Server HARD:
Server with Hard mode enabled, for those who enjoy more challenging gameplay.
⭐ Classic Server:
✔️A server where you can purchase creative, moderator, and admin privileges.
✔️Here you can find all the new blocks, mobs, raids of pillagers on the village.
✔️There is a menu that lists the players’ options (/menu), many commands can be entered in Russian: /menu, /homes, /flight, /wedding, /balance, /kit, /region, /weapons, and many others.
You can get married, make friends with players, and create clans.
✔️ Added the ability to set regions (privates), enable the flag “pvp deny” in your region, which will protect your home from griefing, and the ability to set home points (/sethome). All of this can be done with one command /ZONE, which will create a region of 3 by 3 chunks around you, set a home point, and set the pvp denial flag in your region.
✔️There is full-fledged weaponry available for purchase at the store on the server (/warp gunshop).
To earn in-game money, you can either take on various jobs (/jobs) or put your items up for sale at the auction house (ah).
✔️ Autoshakhta will save you from the need to search for resources around the world, just mine the necessary blocks at /warp mine.
Server for those who love comfortable gaming and excellent servers.
⭐ Skyblock Server:
✔️Classic Skyblock. Learn to survive on a small island.