Starting a new Minecraft world and wanted a good one with ravine contains exposed diamonds or a mineshaft, or a very long ravine with a mineshaft halfway, or a desert temple with a notch apple? This is a great seed for you to start.
Seed: 3351635/mine
You’ll spawn in a bamboo forest. There is also a ravine which has some exposed diamonds and a mineshaft.

Diamond Coords:
- 561, 11, 95
- 583, 11, 36
- 562, 13, -3

This is a mineshaft just inside the ravine. Here is one of the part of the mineshaft that has three minecart with chest close to each other. (Coords: 597, 22, -44)

Chest loot:
- 17 Normal Rail
- 14 Torch
- 13 Lapiz Lazuli
- 9 Coal
- 7 Melon Seeds
- 5 Redstone Dust
- 5 Gold Ingot
- 5 Powered Rail
- 5 Activator Rail
- 4 Iron Ingot
- 2 Detector Rail
- 2 Pumpkin Seeds
- Enchanted Book with Sharpness 2
- A Golden Apple
- A Name Tag
Going to the direction of the bamboo jungle, you’ll see a desert biome, with a very long 200+ blocks ravine. (From 495, 33, 14, to 278, 33, 74)

- Start

- End
Halfway through the long ravine has another mineshaft (406, 44, 77)

If you explored to the end of the ravine you’ll also see a desert tempo (Coords: 186, 64, 90):

- 40 Bones
- 24 Rotten Flesh
- 23 Gunpowder
- 12 Sand
- 4 Spider Eyes
- 2 random Enchanted Books
- 2 Gold Ingot
- A Golden Apple
- An Iron Horse Armor
- An Enchanted Apple
A village just very close to the temple also has a zombie village (Coords: 91, 100, 141). There is a buried ruined portal (couldn’t find the chest) on 43, 77, 167.

Just following the front of the desert temple will also lead you to another normal desert village (Coords: 188, 71, -212)