Did you want a Pokemon with the same quality as the Pixelmon Mod in Java Edition?
For you, Pixelmon has come to Bedrock Edition.
Raise a Pokémon with great quality!
Meet and catch various Pokémon in the wild, and stay together!

As soon as you apply the add-on and create a map, you will have to decide on the starting Pokémon.
Starting Pokémon | bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle
If you choose the starting Pokemon, you will have an item called Menu.

You can apply for a battle and summon Pokemon using the menu.(Battles between users are not possible)https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/core/bridge3.579.0_en.html#goog_53707809
How to Change Slots | Right Click On Computer And Press On Screen If On IOS/Android.
How to Eject Pokémon | Sneak + Try Slot Change
Pokemon | Loot

Bulbasaur | Vine(100%) : 1~2
Ivysaur | Vine(100%) : 2~3, Stick(50%) : 1
Venusaur | Vine(100%) : 3~4, Stick(100%) : 1~2

Charmander | Blaze Powder(100%) : 1~2
Charmeleon | Blaze Powder(100%) : 2~3, Blaze Rod(50%) : 1
Charizard | Blaze Powder(100%) : 3~4, Magma Cream(100%) : 1~2

Squirtle | Lily Pad(100%) : 1~2
Wartortle | Lily Pad(100%) : 2~3, Prismarine Shard(50%) : 1, Sea Lantern(10%) : 1
Blastoise | Lily Pad(100%) : 3~4, Prismarine Crystal(66.67%) : 1~2, Sponge(6.67%) : 1~2

Caterpie | String(100%) : 1~2, Web(50%) : 1
Metapod | String(100%) : 1

Weedle | String(100%) : 1~2
Kakuna | String(100%) : 1
Beedril | String(100%) : 1

Rattata | Rotten Flesh(100%) : 1, Cooked Mutton(50%) : 1
Raticate | Rotten Flesh(100%) : 1~2, Cooked Mutton(50%) : 1

Pikachu | Glowstone Dust(100%) : 1~2

Growlithe | Blaze Powder(100%) : 1~2, Bone(50%) | 1
Arcanine | Blaze Powder(100%) : 1~2, Bone(50%) | 1

Gastly | Ghast Tear(100%) : 1, Soul Sand(50%) : 1
Haunter | Ghast Tear(100%) : 1~2, Soul Sand(66.67%) : 1
Gengar | Ghast Tear(100%) : 1~3, Soul Sand(66.67%) : 1~2

Eevee | Rabbit Hide(100%) : 1~3

Mew | None

Dialga | None
Palkia | None
Giratina | Ender Pearl(100%) : 1~2, Soul Sand(50%) : 1

Arceus | None

All Pokémon appear as Shiny Pokémon with a 1/4096 chance.
(You can use the command ‘/tag @e[family=pokemon,c=1] add shiny’ to turn the nearest Pokemon into a Shiny Pokemon.)
How To Battle?
- Specifies the Pokémon to battle

2. After that, press the wild Pokémon you want to battle against and the battle will begin.

Mega Evolution

There is a chance of Mega-evolved boss Pokémon appearing.

If you defeat the boss Pokémon, you will get a Key Stone and a Mega Stone.

Mega evolution is possible when equipped.
All Apricorns

New Ores

Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Silicon and Crystal Ores
All Recipes
Capture Rate | X1

Great Ball
Capture Rate | X1.5

Ultra Ball
Capture Rate | X2


(How to use PC?)https://www.youtube.com/embed/yOiatZM262A
All Pokemon
- Bulbasaur
- Ivysaur
- Venusaur
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Charizard
- Squrite
- Wartortle
- Blastoise
- Caterpie
- Metapod
- Weedle
- Kakuna
- Beedrill
- Rattata
- Raticate
- Pikachu
- Growlithe
- Arcanine
- Gastly
- Haunter
- Gengar
- Eevee
- Mew
- Giratina
- Palkia
- Dialga
- Arceus
- (More will be added later)
1. Pokemon-addon-v1