The Ty-el’s Settings Overlay UI Pack enhances the Vanilla UI by introducing unique screen features to the in-game Settings Screen. These additions include a Camera Perspective toggle on the Heads-Up Display (HUD) and an instant Settings button, which can be quite magical! Please note that this pack is exclusively designed for devices with touch capabilities and is compatible with various other UI packs.

Before downloading and using this pack, it is essential to carefully read the following instructions to ensure its proper utilization:



  1. Crucial: If you are playing on version 1.18.30 or a newer version, you must change your game’s Touch Control Schemes’ Interaction Model to Classic. Failure to do so will render this pack inoperable.
  2. This pack is specifically tailored for devices equipped with touch functionality. Whether you’re using a phone, tablet, or a touch-enabled PC, this pack will cater to your needs.
  3. There are two separate download files available: one for versions 1.18.30 and newer, and another for versions 1.14 up to 1.18.12. Ensure that you select the appropriate version of the pack to ensure its seamless functionality.
  4. Please be aware that the game may experience significant lag if played on lower-end devices.


1. Tyel settingsoverlay 1


2. Tyel settingsoverlay 1
