The Mutation Came Back To Minecraft ! And Added Our Favorite Mutants and Superheroes To The Game Using This Add-on! Now It’s Available For The Latest Updates Including 1.11 And 1.12
This add-on implements some of the entities from the X-Men universe. The X-Men is a team of mutants who are basically a team of superheroes fighting for the good. This add-on is aimed at anyone who is fan of X-Men or the Marvel universe!

- Wolverine
- Healing factor
- Never dies
- Strong attack, sometimes 1 attack could kill the target
- Cyclops
- Health: 90
- Shoots laser from his eyes
- The target gets burned
- Colossus
- Health: 1000
- Bigger than a normal humanoid
- Strong attack
- Helps the X-Men
- Deadpool
- Bonus character
- Makes jokes
- Fights with his custom swords
- Healing factor
- Professor X
- Unkillable and uses his chair to move
- Jean Grey
- Health: 200
- Helps the X-Men.
- Nightcrawler
- Health: 70
- Teleports
- Helps the X-Men
- Quicksilver
- Health: 70
- Moves so fast
- Helps the X-Men
- Psylocke
- Health: 70
- Strong attack
- Helps the X-Men
- Jubilee
- Health: 70
- Bonus character
- Helps the X-Men
- Gambit
- Health: 70
- Shoots cards
- Can make the target burn
- Magneto
- Health: 200
- Shoots metal pieces
- Against the X-Men
- Mystique
- Health: 90
- Helps Magneto
- Sabertooth
- Health: 90
- Helps Magneto
- Juggernaut
- Health: 1000
- Helps Magneto
- His attack could kill the target fast
- He doesn’t take much damage
- The Blackbird / X-Jet : In Order To Fly , You Must Use The Blackbird Fuel Item (Replaces A Brick) , Each Allows To Fly 2 Minutes
1. X-menadd-on1