Piggy Addon | Обновление Triple The Threat

ID: 21356

Piggy – это игра ужасов, головоломок и побегов Roblox, созданная MiniToon. Piggy – игра, вдохновленная бабушкой. Пигги теперь добавлен в Майнкрафт. Он был создан Lestrey / Rathley (мной).

PGN Pink Sheep Resource Pack

ID: 21348

Are you a fan or were a fan of Pink Sheep?
Than Download This Resource Pack 😉

What is Pink Sheep?

Pink sheep is YouTuber/content creator with 1.75 million subscribers Who plays Mostly Minecraft. Pink Sheep is a Sheep that is dyed Pink and has a black mustache. Pink sheep came from a other youtuber called ExplodingTNT. Pink sheep is a background character for ExplodingTNT’s Videos. In March of 2016 Pink Sheep created his YouTube channel and became more popular with the Minecraft and ExplodingTNT fans.

Pink Sheep with mustache:

Father and Son paintings:

MLG paintings


Diamond Armor:

New Logo:

New Panorama that is currently buggy:

New UI:

Pink Crystal Addon

ID: 21342

Hello and welcome to my first addon, in this addon I added a new ore in the overworld!

This addon adds new ore called Pink Crystal, new tools, and new armor for this ore.

You can find a pink crystal sword, sickle, and full pink crystal armor.

You can craft pink crystal ore on the crafting table.

After crafting the ore, you will be able to craft all the tools and armors.

This is the addon. Hope you enjoy it.

You can find in this addon a new ore, new armor, new tools,

you can get pink crystal by craft it in crafting table , and craft all these tools and armors ,

this ore is stronger than diamond and netherite,

This is the addon , hope you enjoy ,

Pink Crystal

you can craft it with :

  1. iron ingot
  2. gold ingot
  3. redstone
  4. diamond

This is the ore , you can craft with it all armors and tools .

Pink Crystal Armor

Crafting Recipe

Pink Crystal Helmet

you can craft it with :

  1. 5 pink crystals

Abilities :
Durability : 650 ,

Knockback resistance : 0.75 ,

Protection : 3.5 ,

Pink Crystal Chestplate

you can craft it with :

  1. 8 pink crystals

Abilities :
Durability : 720 ,

Knockback resistance : 0.75 ,

Protection : 5 ,

Pink Crystal Leggings

you can craft it with :

  1. 7 pink crystals

Abilities :
Durability : 680 ,

Knockback resistance : 0.75 ,

Protection : 5 ,

Pink Crystal Boots

you can craft it with :

  1. 4 pink crystals

Abilities :
Durability : 600 ,

Knockback resistance : 0.75 ,

Protection : 3.5 ,

Pink Crystal Sword

you can craft it with :

  1. 3 pink crystals
  2. 2 iron ingot
  3. 1 stick

This sword will give you regeneration when you hold it , and it will make you faster a little bit .

Damage : 17

Durability : 2000

Pink Crystal Sickle

you can craft it with :

  1. 3 pink crystals
  2. 2 iron ingot

This sickle will increase your speed and make you so fast  .

Damage : 20

Durability : 2000


You can’t use the addon with out turn ( Holiday Creator Features ) ON

Детализированный аддон Guns: Modern Warfare

ID: 21337

Это Modern Warfare / Apocalyptic Addon. Цель создания этого аддона – улучшить Survival / PVE / PVP.

Дополнение Detailful Guns полностью использует новый API предметов 1.16.100. Теперь вы также можете нормально использовать этот аддон в многопользовательских играх.

Предупреждение :

1. Не копируйте и не крадите какой-либо код.

2. Используйте версию 1.16.100 или более позднюю и используйте все экспериментальные параметры игрового процесса.

3. Вы не можете использовать более ранние версии. Это приведет к отсутствию большей части содержимого.

4. Этот аддон может быть неприменим на устройствах с низкой производительностью.


1. Детализированный аддон Guns никогда не конкурирует с другими аддонами.

2. 3D-пушки были отменены.

3. Старые версии аддона Detailful Guns – не лучший выбор.

4. Я буду доверять человеку после ссылки на чужой код.

5. Я часто пользуюсь Твиттером. Вы можете связаться со мной в Твиттере.

6. Не публикуйте это дополнение на каких-либо веб-сайтах, кроме MCPEDL, если я не разрешаю это.

7. После DG V3.7 игра плавнее.

Основной :

Здесь более 400 предметов и несколько сущностей.

Вы можете получить все предметы из инвентаря творческого режима.

Все рецепты отображаются в таблице крафта. (Режим выживания)

отправьте “/ function help / mian”, чтобы получить помощь.

Как пользоваться оружием?

1. Нажмите и удерживайте или щелкните правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы выстрелить.

2. Держа пистолет и крадясь, нажмите блок, чтобы проверить все доступные патроны для пистолета.

3. Крафт для перезарядки боеприпасов. Но боеприпасы должны быть под прицелом.

4. Красться, чтобы прицелиться. Но у вас должен быть пистолет с прицелом.

5. Если пистолет после перезарядки не стреляет, пожалуйста, крадитесь. 

Система отображения:

Первоначально издательством Distant 星梦 (XM GUNS).

Функции :

1. Отдача для ружей.

2. HD текстуры.

3. Пули могут разбить стекло.

(/ gamerule mobGriefing правда)

4. Пулевые гильзы.

5. Зачарованные рукопашные схватки и доспехи.

6. Восстановление для рукопашного боя.

7. Прирученные NPC

8. Частица крови

9. Сменное оружие.

10. Пользовательские анимации.

11. Новая фоновая музыка

12. Проникающие предметы и искры от пуль.

Фоновая музыка (BGM):

DG добавил 4 фоновых музыки после V3.5.

Вы можете запускать различные фоновые музыкальные композиции в меню, Overworld, Nether, The End, Ocean, Soulsand Valley, Crimson, Creative Mode …

Команды для воспроизведения фоновой музыки:

/ playsound music.zombi2

Zombi2 OP Часть 1 (sm8541589)

/ playsound music.zombi2_0

Zombi2 OP Часть 2 

/ playsound music.zombi2_1

Zombi2 OP Часть 3

/ playsound music.zombi2_2

Zombi2 OP Часть 4 

/ playsound music.zombi2theme

Тема Zombi2 от Фабио Фрицци и Джорджио Кашио

/ playsound music.zombi3theme

Тема Zombi3 от Фабио Фрицци

/ playsound music.godzilla

Zombi2 Theme итальянский Править

/ playsound music.zombieflesheaters

Тема Zombie Flesh Eaters


В настоящее время DG имеет только 2 подпакета в пакете ресурсов.

Вы можете удалить пользовательский интерфейс и фоновую музыку из «Мир → Настройки → Пакеты ресурсов → Подробное описание оружия → Настройка → Вырезано».

Все орудия:

Remington модель 870




Кольт M1911

SIG P220





Барретт M95



Милкор МГЛ


Steyr AUG


FN P90

S&W M500

Кольт M1873

Карабин 98к

M1903 Спрингфилд

Оружие SRM M1216


Beretta M1934 года


Маузер С96


АК 47



Барретт M82


Винчестер M1887

Макаров П.М.

Люгер P08

Мини Узи







HK G11




Ремингтон М40

Beretta M9

IMI Desert Eagle


Томпсон M1928





KRISS Vector

Винчестер M1897

Fostech Origin 12

ПП-19 19 Бизон


Mossberg M590




СВД Драгунов

ИВИ Тавор ТС-12

М1 Гаранд




Румынский AIM


M40A3 NV


HK USP .45




Точность Интернешнл AX-50

IMI Galil


HK G36

Gewehr 43

Японский Намбу Тип-14



Ingram MAC-10

Ругер Мини-14

Sten MkII


MP-155 Ultima

SIG P226


Вальтер ППК

Ремингтон Модель 700

Armsen RS-S1







M21 NV

Кел-Тек КСГ-25


Bergmann MP18.I



Винчестер M1912



Маузер M712

Токарев ТТ-33

.44 Магнум

FP-45 Освободитель

МП-443 Грач

Norinco HP9-1


Полиция Арктической войны (AWP)



Норинко МАК-90


Медовый барсук AAC


FN Five-SeveN

Кольт M45A1

Steyr TMP

IWI Negev NG7

FIM-92 Stinger

Ruger LCR 9 мм


Denel NTW-20






Steyr AUG Para

Маузер Модель 1917 г.

FN FAL Родезия

AR-10 Super SASS

ВСС Винторез


FN F2000

.50 Беовульф AR-15

Кольт Питон

COP .357 Derringer


SKS Tapco

АК-47 Tapco

Установите пистолеты на место / Модульность:

Вы можете переоборудовать пистолет без боеприпасов, создав его.

Но не все пистолеты могут быть переработаны.

Установите детали:

Ложа – меньшая отдача.

Глушитель – уменьшить звук выстрела.

Оптический прицел – Увеличить FOV.

Red dot Sight – Лучшее прицеливание.

Ударная ложа – полностью автоматический режим для некоторых полуавтоматических ружей.

Подствольные гранатометы Lachuners – некоторые специальные гранатометы. Есть GP-25, M203, FN40GL, HK M320. Пистолет с подствольной гранатой Lachuner автоматически переключается на стрельбу 40-мм гранатой при НЕТ Боеприпасов. (Поместите 40-мм гранаты навскидку)

Особые предметы:

Противогаз – невосприимчивость к воздействию газовой гранаты M6 CN-DM и слезоточивой гранаты M7A3.

Очки ночного видения – просто эффект ночного видения, но экран становится зеленым.

M134 (Minigun) – Положите на землю.

Denel NTW-20 – мощная антиматериальная снайперская винтовка.

FIM-92 Stinger – он может заблокировать любую цель, на которую нацелен игрок.

XM556 – большая скорострельность.

XM25 – Нажмите «Прыжок», чтобы вызвать воздушный взрыв.

Ближний бой и носимые устройства:

Пользовательские рукопашные схватки и предметы одежды в этом аддоне похожи на ванильные совки и доспехи.

У ближнего боя есть время восстановления. Из-за этого рукопашные не всегда наносят большой урон.

Руды / минералы:

Медная руда и серная руда появляются в пещере, как и в оригинальном мире. Создайте новый мир, чтобы порождать руды.

Недавно обнаруженные ошибки:

Прицел и прицелы не работают должным образом в Minecraft для Windows 10 или других устройствах, что связано с материалом «slime_outer». Кликните сюда, чтобы узнать больше.

Portal Gun Add-on

ID: 21332

Want to experience the portal gun of java but in bedrock? with this add-on you can now experience the portal gun and you can troll the animals and even your friends by teleporting them everywhere.

With this add-on a portal gun item will be added in your world. The portal gun is quite easy to craft.

There are 3 different kinds of portal guns the portal model will depend on what portal gun you use.

Portal Gun Recipes:

1. Normal Portal Gun

1x Ender Eye

6x Obsidian

2x iron Ingot

2. Potato Portal Gun

This portal gun has every functionality of a normal portal gun. It also plays voice lines of potato Glados.

1x Normal Portal Gun

1x Potato

3. Rick and Morty Portal Gun

6x Iron Ingot

2x Glass

1x Ender Eye

When you craft the portal gun it will be BLUE by default when firing the portal gun it would switch to ORANGE.

You can freely switch what color of the portal to shoot by CROUCHING and SHOOTING the portal gun.

You can see on the portal gun what portal color it would shoot.

Gravity Gun:

How can I pick up blocks?

  1. Hold a portal gun in your hand (can be any color) (except for the rick and mort portal gun)
  2. Look directly down and shoot and it will convert your portal gun into a gravity gun.
  3. Shoot whatever blocks you want to pick up

How can I place the block?

  1. Put the floating block somewhere you want to place
  2. then sneak to place the block or you can also shoot to throw blocks.

To convert it to the portal gun again shoot directly down.

If there is a block in its place it will break that block and drop it.

For now you can only pick up the following blocks:

Will add more blocks in the future.

Comment the blocks you want to be added in the next update.

Credits to the commenter for commenting this idea: Step_HD

Making Black Holes

  • Shoot directly up using your portal gun.
  • To remove the blackhole switch to the blackhole portal gun again and sneak and shoot.

Anything that gets close to the black hole will get suck in and killed including you and your items.

I Have also added a page on How to play for the portal gun so you can have an easy guide on how to use the portal gun and also how to craft it.

Settings>How To Play>Scroll to the bottom

More Structures Addon v1.2 (Naturally Generating)

ID: 21325

This addon adds 14 naturally-generating structures to your Minecraft world, including houses, spawners and more. You can also load them up yourself with a structure block if you don’t want to look for them

Introducing the More Structures Addon. This will allow you to find 14 new naturally-generating structures in your Minecraft world, they are quite rare, but coming across one has its rewards.

v1.2 Update released!

The latest update has dropped, adding six new houses into the addon, all naturally generating. These are all from my Human Addon which I regularly update. Scroll down for pictures of some of the new structures.


These aren’t all the new structures, but just a few of them. Each house spawns a human or two and each come with their own loot.




Here are some pictures of the older structures-



Some of you may just want to spawn the structures yourselves, which you can do by following the steps below-

1. open a world that has experimental gameplay on

2. give yourself a structure block with /give @p structure_block

3. place the structure block and go to the load tab (you must be in creative mode)

4. type the structure you want to load and press load

Here is a list of the added structures so far-

HOUSES- oak_house, birch_house, spruce_house, small_house, oak_house01, oak_house02, spruce_house01, spruce_house02, desert_house01, desert_house02

SPAWNERS- spawner, creeper_spawner

OTHER- tower, desert_dungeon


This is the human, which I borrowed from another addon I created. He can trade and can drop quite a bit of loot if you end up killing him.

These humans were taken out of the earliest version of my Human Addon. Its my biggest addon that I update about every week or two. It includes several professions, taming and better AI. It can also be used simultaneously with the addon as well.

If you would like to use the human addon at the same time as this addon, you will need to put the Human Addon above the More Structures Addon as shown below

Anyways, feel free to subscribe if you want to receive notifications on new posts and updates on old posts. Leave your suggestions below and thanks for checking it out!

UPDATE- The update requires you to now have a resource pack as well. Download and use both if you would like the full experience. Thanks!

Technoblade’s Base

ID: 21320

Have you been updated on the recent rise of popularity in the minecraft community? Part of it is because of the DreamSMP, a famous role playing server for content creators which follows a certain plot and improvises from there. This map recreates an important structure of the DreamSMP which is technoblade’s base. 


Their base is surrounded by fences which keep mobs away from their property. Most edges of the hills and land inside their property has been turned into snow blocks so that mobs can’t spawn because of a blizzard that occurred in the plot. 

The exterior of technoblade’s house has a shed in which his horse lays in, which is Carl. The room that he spends the most time in is the living room, which has his tools and equipment he uses time from time and also a place for his polar bear roommate, Steve. The top floor of his house holds his precious channel member bell which he occasionally uses every thirty minutes for endorsement, he also keeps his personal items inside a secret barrel above the walls of the enchanting area. Below the living room is his storage room which also connects outside to Carl’s shed. Beneath it is where he keeps his prized pets he got from Halloween and also his last surviving cow from his old base. And finally the last floor is his villager trading area. 

Now the house besides techno’s house is Ph1lzA’s house which he built himself as an extension of technoblade’s house. Beneath the bridge between their houses is a small pond of water with sea corals and named fishes. His house is mainly for storing building blocks for architecture. Behind their house is another shed built for technoblade’s hound army where he breeds dogs. 

A few meters behind their houses however is a fellow neighbor’s house which belongs to Ranboo. Ranboo’s place has a beacon of light, a wheat farm, a cow farm and his own little mansion. 

And just behind the mountain inside their property is Technoblade’s secret bunker where he used to store his tremendous amount of wither skulls and gear in. 

However, you’re mistaken if you think that’s all there is to his base. Under a lava pool beside Ph1lzA’s house is the entrance for their secret Syndicate Meeting Room. After going through the lava pit, you fall in a water pool and take a boat from the chest to travel through the ice. Coincidentally, their base happened to be directly under a stronghold. 

Through the door, you are in a small room with a button, which will open a flush hidden door in the wall leading down a staircase to the secret syndicate meeting room. The meeting room was created in the stronghold portal room because they discovered the frames were indestructible and could be used for a table. There are chairs and aliases for each member of the syndicate which all have an ender pearl stasis chamber which summons a member when a meeting occurs. In the wall behind the room is their symbol which is a wither, the front of the room contains a sign which speaks their intentions “Sic Semper Tyrannis” which is to stop any government or hierarchy. 

To exit the meeting room, you need to go to the right alleyway in front of the meeting room door, it has not been disclosed yet in the plot of what is inside the left alleyway. Through the right path, you can use the water bubble elevator to go back to the surface next to the house. 

And outside their property are two villages in which they used to trade in a few months ago. You are free to use the map for a video regarding the DreamSMP. Thanks to Creavite for helping me with building the map. 


Ranboo’s basement is now added with his storage and farms replicated, as well as technoblade’s bee farm beside his house. 

The map has now been updated up to his latest stream, where a mysterious forest has suddenly appeared outsde their territory, events happening such as Technoblade’s birthday occurring today and a reveal of an underground training arena under the water pool between the two houses. 

Smallest House Mod

ID: 21315

This mod adds the smallest house you can possibly build in Minecraft Pocket Edition. The house is built with one block and when you enter the house you will basically be teleported to an interior which is much larger than the house. This creates the illusion that you are inside a very small house.

How does it work?

You can either craft the house in survival mode or get it from the creative inventory. Place down the house on the ground somewhere you want to live. The position of the house cannot be changed later. Sure, you can build another small house but you can’t move a current house somewhere else.

  • House (500) – 2 oak wood stairs + 1 oak wood plank + 2 white wool + 1 glass block

Tap on the house to enter it. This is what the inventory will look like. To exit the house tap on the red wool block.

You can design the house any way you like. For example, you could expand the house and make it even larger than what it already is. The only thing you would have to keep in mind is that you cannot change the position of the door entrance. It has to be kept the same.

You can have multiple different small houses through your world. Each house’s interior is generated far up in the sky above where it was placed. This means that you have to keep each small house separated by at least 10 blocks or so.

Walking House Addon

ID: 21310

The Walking House Addon is likely the weirdest addon you will find. One of the mobs in-game has been replaced by a four-legged house which has the ability to walk. Besides that it looks really funny it can also be used as a riding mount or as something which can protect you against other mobs. If you like weird things then this house won’t get you disappointed!

How to spawn the walking house?

There’s just one way to spawn it and that is the same way as spawning an iron golem. Get four iron blocks and place a pumpkin on the middle top to spawn the house.

The house will occasionally turn direction but it will always stay in the same position unless it’s moved by a player or a mob.

The house is very detailed. It even got a custom made interior. However, no parts of the house are solid. That means you can’t enter the house or use any of the seen block.

What can the walking house be used for?

You can ride the house by finding the small shadow underneath the house. Then simply ride it as if you were going to ride a horse or a pig.

  • iOS / Android: Long press on the shadow and press Ride House
  • Windows 10: Right-click on the shaodow to ride the house

Hold a blaze rod in your hand to control the direction of the walking house.

You can also use use a leash to lead the house wherever you want it to stand.

Get a name tag and name it “Monster” using an anvil. Then use the name tag on the house (shadow) to name it. As soon as this is done the house will start shake and then go crazy and kill any mob within a radius distance of 32 blocks. It will never hurt players though!