Dexy Vanilla HD is a pack that at the beginning can dare to have the impression of being non-existent. In truth, if you approach the blocks you will discover that they are infinitely more detailed and together they give a sharper and rounder feeling!

As I have seen in other packs I will put the link to the site where I found the author to give me the Textures. If you want you can contact him from there.

Now I will try to give you a detailed description of the pack! 

Here you can see how blocks are very HD! 

As you can see the various types of wood, swords, smoker, bookshelf, lanterns, carpets, leaves, composters, glass, pot, flowers … they are all more detailed! 

Even the cobblestone, the trapdoors, the carrots, the farmland, the normal stone and the stone bricks seem unchanged, but they are of a higher resolution!

Wheat, leaves, vines, grass and other vegetables look like real vegetation!

All entities have a better look now! 

The water is much more fluid, and with it also underwater plants and animals!

The wooden logs now have more realistic veins! Note the fantastic new axe!

The andesite mixes much better with the cobblestone, the chests and noteblocks are rounder! The pickaxe is more fluid!

This cluster of chests, noteblocks, barrels and crafting tables now make more sense together! 

And don’t forget the items! I couldn’t show them all (as I couldn’t with blocks), but they’re all very HD right now!


1. Dexy-Vanilla-HD
