Guys and girls
Now there are not so many skins, but the author promised to regularly add new ones.

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To check the status of relationships with an NPC, stand in front of him and duck. Available options: absent, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife.

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In order to make friends, send the NPC’s phone number using a special button.

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If you have made friends with an NPC, his health bar will be displayed in the upper right.

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Your wife can turn raw meat into cooked meat. If she gets pregnant, she will lose the ability to cook – this is a known bug, so she will have to look for a new wife in order not to starve to death.

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1200 seconds after marriage, the girl becomes pregnant, and after another 1200 seconds, a child is born. To speed up the fertilization process, feed your wife carrots.

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After another 1200 seconds, the child will begin to walk. You can speed up the process of growing up other people’s children with milk.

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New Animals
There are 4 new dog breeds in MCPE: Beagle, Poodle, Pug and Dalmatian.

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New sounds
So far, only girls have received them.

To get all new items, use the command / function hf

Plan for future updates:
• There will be new skins for people and animals
• You will be able to send NPCs to work soon
• New furniture may appear

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