Minecraft server SkyBars from version 1.8 to the latest
— Team /free for free donation
— BedWars, SkyPvP, SkyWars, Hunger Games, Griefer, MurderMystery, AmongUS, Brawl Stars, 2b2t, Anarchy, Survival
— Clans, clan battle arena, as well as top clans
— Statistics of the best players
— Entertainment: parkour, trampolines, club, casino, mobile swing, fishing, beach, casino, magic, jobs, weddings, shop, god items, anti-cheat.
— Unique plugins made by our programmers
— Rare wipes, as well as a donor world – no wipes
— Hidden easter eggs, secrets, hidden gifts
— YouTubers often produce videos.
IP – rat.skybars.ru
Cozy server with experienced administration, guaranteeing you comfortable gameplay without lags.
We have been around for over 5 years. Excellent survival and PvP server with good online.
Beautiful structures, a world without wipes. Unique set of plugins for convenience.
A sea of entertainment, on our server, you won’t have time to be bored 🙂
You will find everything you like with us, and nothing unnecessary!